North America

Twitter starts labelling key Indian govt and media handles as “official”

Washington , November 9 (ANI): Elon Musk's newly acquired micro-blogging platform Twitter has started labelling

“Will do lots of dumb things…” Musk forewarns on Twitter

Washington , November 9 (ANI): Tesla CEO Elon Musk and self-described "Twitter Complaint Hotline Operator"


Middle East

Netanyahu won Israeli elections, but his coalition partners can create problems

Nicosia November 8 (ANI): A right-wing, religious parties coalition led by former Prime Minister Benjamin

Erdogan wants a new constitution for Turkey

Nicosia October 31 (ANI): President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in a speech made last

South Asia


Delivering justice for Libya not ‘Mission Impossible’, Security Council hears

Addressing the Security Council from Libyan soil for the first time ever, the International Criminal

Humanitarians call for greater support to prevent famine in Horn of Africa

Greater global solidarity is needed to address the rapidly unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in the Horn

Mass displacements in eastern DR Congo threaten young lives

The lives of thousands of children in overcrowded, unsanitary camps for internally displaced people (IDPs)

Wednesday November 18, 2020