Kabul [Afghanistan], December 8 (ANI): Students and teachers in the northeastern province of Kunar on Tuesday have demanded the government to reopen schools for girls for grades VII to XII in the province, reported Tolo News.

They urged the Taliban government to let girls continue their education in Kunar, as they have been allowed in some other provinces, as per the Tolo News.

“My sisters are in grade eight and nine, they are always asking me about their schools, they get upset when they hear no clear news about the reopening of schools. We ask the Islamic Emirate to let schools be opened,” said a girl in grade V.

According to Tolo News, along with students, a number of teachers and tribal elders in Kunar province claimed that the Islamic Emirate is behaving inconsistently toward Afghan students across Afghanistan.

“High schools are closed in eastern provinces; schools must be opened so everyone–men and women–are allowed to learn and get an education in Islam,” said a teacher.

Mawllawi Muhebullah Haidari, the head of the education department in Kunar province said the department is prepared to reopen schools for girls if they receive permission, Tolo News reported.

“We ask elders (government leaders) to give permission, we are ready to open the schools,” said Haidari.

According to Tolo News, the Taliban regime has permitted girl education from VII to XIIth grade in some of the Afghan provinces but thousands of girls are still awaiting the Afghanistan government’s sanction to attend school. (ANI)