Rome [Italy], October 13 (ANI): The G20 nations on Tuesday vowed to cooperate with international organizations to maintain financial stability in Afghanistan, the Italian government said.

“The functioning of the payment system and the overall financial stability should also be addressed. G20 countries will cooperate with the International Organizations, International Financial Institutions, including Multilateral Development Banks, and humanitarian actors in this field,” the meeting’s chair said in a summary statement.

Earlier on Tuesday, the G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Meeting on Afghanistan was convened in a virtual format in Rome. Italy was the host of the meeting as the holder of the rotating G20 presidency.

The chair in a summary statement noted that the collapse of the economic and financial system in Afghanistan would impact heavily on the lives of Afghans and on the stability of the country, the region and beyond.

“The UN plays an essential role to address the crisis in Afghanistan. Its continued presence in the country must be preserved. Full, safe, unconditional and unhindered access must be ensured to UN staff and all humanitarian workers, regardless of their gender.”

The statement stressed the necessity of humanitarian aid to prevent the influx of Afghan migrants to other countries.

“Humanitarian assistance is essential to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe and consequently uncontrolled migrant flows from Afghanistan to regional countries and beyond,” the statement read. (ANI)