Naypyitaw [Myanmar], February 9 (ANI): Following the military coup in Myanmar, the military has disbanded the National reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC), the leading internal peace process mechanism of the previous National League for Democracy (NLD) government, while arresting some of its civilian leaders.

According to The Myanmar Times, the Tatmadaw (military) has informed the ethnic armed groups that future peace talks will be continued only with the military-formed peace committee.

The military has only been under the leadership of the NRPC, led by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi who was detained during the coup, in conducting political talks with armed ethnic groups.

“We have been informed that the NRPC has been abolished…If there is any need for talks, we should only discuss with the group formed by the military. The members of the Northern Alliance have yet to show any clear stance on the situation,” said Lamai Gum Ja, a member of the Peace-Talk Creation Group (PCG).

Colonel Khun Okkar, chairman of Pa-O National Liberation Organisation, issued a cautious warning that any political agreement with the new government formed by the military after its power seizure could mean that the armed ethnic groups recognise it, reported The Myanmar Times.

Meanwhile, according to a report by The Myanmar Times, a curfew from 8 pm to 4 am was imposed on Monday in seven townships in Mandalay — Aung Myay Tharzan, Maha Aung Myay, Amarapura, Patheingyi, Pyigyitakon, Chan Aye Tharzan and Chan Myay Tharzi.
Some media reports said that martial law has been imposed in the seven townships in Myanmar.

Myanmar‘s military launched the coup one week ago, declaring a year-long state of emergency in the process. The armed forces have claimed that Myanmar‘s November 8 general election, which saw Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy party win by a landslide, was subject to widespread voter fraud, as reported by Sputnik.

Access to the internet and social media have been severely restricted following the overthrow of the government and tens of thousands of people on Monday took to the streets for the third consecutive day of widespread protests against the coup. (ANI)