Despite the heavy impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Somalia has continued on the path to economic reform, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said in a pre-recorded speech to the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

Not only did reform efforts enhance trust between the Somali people and Government, he added, but international financial institutions also provided funding to help mitigate the worst of the crisis.

“Economic reforms are key to the sustainable recovery and development of Somalia,” said President Mohamed, who is known as ‘Farmajo’.

“In this regard, we are determined to continue growing our domestic revenue base, strengthening transparency and good governance, as well working even more closely with our people and all our development partners to ensure that Somalia’s recovery from COVID-19 is swift and sustainable.”

Remaining hopeful, recovering together

This latest UN General Assembly is being held under the theme of building resilience through hope in the wake of the pandemic.

President Mohamed noted that people across the world have suffered during the crisis, describing this as a very uncertain period in human history.

“However, uncertainty and inability are different: I strongly believe that we as a community of nations are capable and must recover together by remaining hopeful,” he said.  

“Throughout history, mankind has been challenged but never has our collective spirit and determination to learn, share, progress and prosper through effective partnership been beaten.”

Commit to vaccines for all

Yet, the pandemic has exposed frightening inequalities in the world, and the different rate of response has highlighted the vast gap between developed and developing countries.

“It is fundamental to recognize that responding to COVID-19 requires renewed commitment to vaccinations for all,” he stated.

“Human safety is the cornerstone of any sustainable recovery from this disastrous health pandemic.”

Protect the planet

President Mohamed also addressed the urgent need to protect the environment. Somalia’s economic reform relies on its natural resources, which include one of the world’s longest coastlines and vast tracts of arable land.

However, the country continues to experience the painful results of global warming, he said, pointing to recurring cycles of destructive and deadly droughts and floods.   

“Looking forward, it is the collective duty of all states, communities,and individuals to respond to the needs of the planet,” said the President. “We must all do our absolute best to cooperate to protect the future of our planet and our source of life, wealth, and well-being.”

Full statement here.
